Example: Using after_reply with Puma

Puma has a pretty interesting feature called after_reply - if there’s a potentially costly operation that’s not on the critical path to responding to a consumer, you can delay that operation until after the response is returned. I’ve been digging into this lately trying to optimize our observability tooling. GitHub did something similar with Unicorn (I’m taking inspiration from them).

What’s hard to find was an actual implementation example. After whipping up one, I figured I’d share.


gem install puma
gem install sinatra

Without after_reply

filename: myapp.rb

First we’ll try something simple with inline execution:

require 'sinatra'
configure { set :server, :puma }

class Processor
  def call
    count = 0
    while count < 3
      puts "counting #{count}"
      sleep 1
      count += 1

get '/' do
  puts "log message"

  "Hello wor"

Run it with ruby myapp.rb and hit the listener in a browser:

➜  ~ ruby myapp.rb
Ignoring debug-1.7.1 because its extensions are not built. Try: gem pristine debug --version 1.7.1
Ignoring rbs-2.8.2 because its extensions are not built. Try: gem pristine rbs --version 2.8.2
== Sinatra (v3.0.6) has taken the stage on 4567 for development with backup from Puma
Puma starting in single mode...
* Puma version: 6.3.0 (ruby 3.2.0-p0) ("Mugi No Toki Itaru")
*  Min threads: 0
*  Max threads: 5
*  Environment: development
*          PID: 31283
* Listening on
* Listening on http://[::1]:4567
Use Ctrl-C to stop
log message
counting 0
counting 1
counting 2 - - [01/Jul/2023:07:32:54 -0400] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 9 3.0250

Execution time was > 3 seconds - definitely noticeable in the browser.

With after_reply

Now let’s switch it up to use after_reply:

require 'sinatra'
configure { set :server, :puma }

class Processor
  def call
    count = 0
    while count < 3
      puts "counting #{count}"
      sleep 1
      count += 1

get '/' do
  puts "log message"
  env["rack.after_reply"] = [Processor.new]

  "Hello Earthlings"

Running and hitting it again:

log message - - [01/Jul/2023:07:37:09 -0400] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 9 0.0075
counting 0
counting 1
counting 2

Response time is drastically improved, and we still get to run our non-critical-path code.


What do you actually need to implement after_reply?

  1. An object that implements call

The logic for after_reply invokes call on whatever objects you pass in, so the code you want to execute has to be triggered by that method.

  1. Access to the request env

In Rails apps, you can access this in middleware:

class CustomMiddleware
    def initialize(app)
        @app = app
    def call(env)
        env["rack.after_reply"] = [Processor.new]

or in a controller:

class MyController < ApplicationController
    def show
        request.env["rack.after_reply"] = [Processor.new]
        render json: {success: "true"}, status: 200

Note that the value for rack.after_reply must be an array - to be safe, you should instantiate and add, in case you end up using after_reply in multiple places (this avoids accidentally overwriting any other usage of after_reply):

class MyController < ApplicationController
    def show
        request.env["rack.after_reply"] ||= []
        request.env["rack.after_reply"] << Processor.new
        render json: {success: "true"}, status: 200
  1. Pay attention to state

When instantiating Processor (or whatever your callable class is), be sure that the information you need is available after the request is returned.

For example, we use a handful of ActiveSupport::CurrentAttributes instances to pass around customer- and request-specific information (i.e., making sure that certain data about the original request is always available to downstream services without having to explicitly pass as a parameter). But, we always explicitly clear these instances on completion of a request - when after_reply calls our Processor, those attributes aren’t available anymore.

To get around this, our Processor extracts the information it needs when we instantiate (request.env["rack.after_reply"] << Processor.new), but the heavy lifting still happens after the request is returned.


How did we ensure that our after_reply logic was tested?

First, we ensured that our Processor class was fully testable independent of any request framework or middleware implementation. It sounds obvious, but to this point our observability gem had grown organically, and specs testing underlying logic were intertwined with specs for the middleware implementation. Refactoring the gem and the specs put us in a place where we could test the two separately.

When Processor is used directly within the middleware, testing on middleware is easy as we can instance_double or spy the Processor and expect to have received :call. Moving to after reply means call will no longer be called in a context where we can directly observe, instead taking on faith that Puma is invoking call.

What we can do is ensure that the middleware successfully adds Processor.new to the env["rack.after_reply"] array. This currently requires a bit of monkey-patching, as none of the current Rack mocks (used in middleware specs) allow access to env after the request completes.

Here’s how we monkey-patched it:

module Rack
  class MockRequest
    def request(method = GET, uri = "", opts = {})
      env = self.class.env_for(uri, opts.merge(method: method))

      if opts[:lint]
        app = Rack::Lint.new(@app)
        app = @app

      errors = env[RACK_ERRORS]
      status, headers, body = app.call(env)

      # Here's where we monkey-patch - MockRequest typically returns a MockResponse
      # In this case, we don't need a full Response object, we just need to be able
      # to inspect `env`
      # MockResponse.new(status, headers, body, errors)

      # Instead we return an array that includes `env`
      [status, headers, body, errors, env]
      body.close if body.respond_to?(:close)

Then we setup our middleware test using Rack, invoke a request, then inspect env to make sure it includes the expected Processor instances.


A few things to think about when deciding if after_reply is right for your use case:

  1. Completion is not required for a successful response to be returned: the response will be returned regardless of whether or not your after_reply logic completes successfully
  2. Your application can handle a moment of latency in a thread before picking up the next request: the Puma worker will still need time to complete after_reply, the apps in our case are sufficiently scaled so introducing after_reply had little effect on our utilization, but if you’re working on a tighter scaling budget it’s good to keep an eye on those metrics
  3. Explore whether or not an async job (like Sidekiq) is a better fit; in our case of gathering observability metrics, tag collection required the most time, and enqueuing a job would have required running tag collection before enqueueing, thus negating all the performance benefits. If you need to guarantee that the logic executes (or can be retried), and can ensure that the actual time-intensive tasks can be deferred, then async jobs are the better choice.

Wrapping up and results

after_reply is a great way to improve a bit on performance if the time-intensive parts of your code can happen after a request completes.

I mentioned using rack.after_reply in our observability tooling. It was satisfactorily performant operating as middleware, until we made one change which would increase the volume of metrics collected. There was no noticeable impact in many of our services. But in one of our core services it resulted in a 20 millisecond latency increase across p90 and p95. It also noticeably propagated upstream to one of it’s heaviest callers (a consumer-facing app).

After moving to after_reply, we were able to reintroduce our initial change with no increase in latency. In fact, moving to after_reply bought us a 2-3 millisecond improvement on our p90 and p95 latencies!


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